
作为plus用户,家里大小用品全部搞定。 非常感谢商城给予的优质的服务,从仓储管理、物流配送等各方面都是做的非常好的。送货及时,配送员也非常的热情,有时候不方便收件的时候,也安排时间另行配送。同时商城在售后管理上也非常好的,以解客户忧患,排除万难。给予我们非常好的购物体验。 Thank you very much for the excellent service provided by Jingdong mall, and it is very good to do in warehouse management, logistics, distribution and so on. Delivery in a timely manner, distribution staff is also very enthusiastic, and sometimes inconvenient to receive the time, but also arranged for time to be delivered. At the same time in the mall m

作为plus用户,家里大小用品全部搞定。 非常感谢商城给予的优质的服务,从仓储管理、物流配送等各方面都是做的非常好的。送货及时,配送员也非常的热情,有时候不方便收件的时候,也安排时间另行配送。同时商城在售后管理上也非常好的,以解客户忧患,排除万难。给予我们非常好的购物体验。 Thank you very much for the excellent service provided by Jingdong mall, and it is very good to do in warehouse management, logistics, distribution and so on. Delivery in a timely manner, distribution staff is also very enthusiastic, and sometimes inconvenient to receive the time, but also arranged for time to be delivered. At the same time in the mall m

经常网购, 总有大量的包裹收,感觉写评语花掉了我大量的时间和精力!所以在一段时间里,我总是我又总是觉得好像不去评价或者随便写写!但是, 有点对不住那些辛苦工作的卖家客服、仓管、老板。于是我写下了一小段话,给我觉得能拿到我五星好评的卖家的宝贝评价里面以示感谢!

作为plus用户,家里大小用品全部搞定。 非常感谢商城给予的优质的服务,从仓储管理、物流配送等各方面都是做的非常好的。送货及时,配送员也非常的热情,有时候不方便收件的时候,也安排时间另行配送。同时商城在售后管理上也非常好的,以解客户忧患,排除万难。给予我们非常好的购物体验。 Thank you very much for the excellent service provided by Jingdong mall, and it is very good to do in warehouse management, logistics, distribution and so on. Delivery in a timely manner, distribution staff is also very enthusiastic, and sometimes inconvenient to receive the time, but also arranged for time to be delivered. At the same time in the mall m